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澳门文华东方酒店 澳门文华东方酒店 澳门文华东方酒店 澳门文华东方酒店

澳门文华东方酒店坐落在市中心集住宅、酒店、购物中心于一身的时尚新地标“澳门一号广场”,邻近南湾湖,步行可达主要的国际赌场和娱乐中心,接近旧城区且面向海景,位置优越。   澳门文华东方酒店共有213间陈设优雅及附设先进设施的客房及套房,餐饮设施包括御苑餐厅酒廊、大堂酒廊及文华东方饼店。此外,酒店还拥有面积达320平方米的海景宴会厅、两间会议室及一间行政会议室。澳门文华东方酒店水疗中心提供多种康体、美容和按摩服务,配备先进的健身中心和户外泳池,为宾客入住提供便利。   酒店开业时间2010年6月29日,楼高25层。 【温馨提示】:同一房间第三人如超12岁,酒店需额外收取费用。

  • 酒店设施

    Babysitting or childcare Beauty services Fitness facilities Free guest parking only during stay Massage - spa treatment room(s) Secure parking Self parking Spa services on site Valet parking 一个小会议室/会议室 临时保姆或儿童看护 代客停车服务 代客泊车 会议室数目 3住宿期间免费停车 健身设施 免费泊车 入住期间方可享受免费停车 商务服务 多个会议室 多个会议室/小会议室 多个小会议室 套房数量 27婴儿或儿童看护 安全停车场 客房数量: 213客房送餐服务 干洗/洗衣服务 店内 SPA 服务 建造年份: 2010户外泳池 已供暖房间总数 213按摩/水疗护理室 擦鞋服务 旅游帮助 无线高速上网(收费) 早餐(收费) 有保安的停车场 楼层数 23楼房/附楼数量 1楼房/附楼数量: 1残疾人停车场 美容服务 翻译服务 自助停车设施 自助泊车 行李寄存 酒店内租车服务 酒店餐厅
    健身室 按摩室 桑拿浴室 室外游泳池 足浴 SPA
    中餐厅 西餐厅 咖啡厅 酒吧
    行政会议室:可容纳约12人; 港海厅及湾海厅:面积94.6平方米,可容纳多至120人; 海洋厅一、二:面积320平方米,可容纳多至360人。
  • 周边设施

  • 用户:ralphlin


  • 用户:到到会员

    澳门的酒店业竞争激励——这么多的漂亮酒店,住哪儿呢? 如果非要我把这间同其他酒店区分的话——就是一个词——服务。 酒店的员工太迷人了。不管这间连锁酒店做什么,都是对的,因为我在其他任何地方都没有这样特别的感受(尽管丽兹卡尔顿紧随其后——他们也很迷人——但是澳门没有丽兹酒店,所以暂时还不相干)。有位在接待处工作的女士,每次看见我都记得住我的名字,尽管我只住了两天。同样优质的服务在我们去吃早餐的餐厅也得到了保证。一位大厨专门为我做了煎鸡蛋。我在等待的时候,他还问我坐着等等有没有关系,还说会亲自把鸡蛋送来。 最后,我弟弟让我和妈妈享受了一次豪车之旅去乘坐轮渡。当我们要求司机停靠在某个方便的地方,这样我们可以去买点新鲜出炉的葡式蛋挞,他竭尽全力地当我们去了翠绿环路的Lord Stowes(往返45分钟)。他们做的每件事,都会提供额外的服务。 除了服务——在一些细节上我也会把它们区分开。比如你每次走进休息室——里面呼吸的空气有鲜花的味道。整间休息室都弥漫着这样的香味。和外面的烟味和污染的空气完全不同。不要误会我的意思,在酒店的某些区域设有吸烟区(澳门就是这样)不过,这里的烟味不会像其他地方一样弥漫得到处都是,久久不散,因此空气中的花香让你感觉简直就像进入了另一个世界。 当然,酒店的房间,床,食物和水疗都很迷人。特别感谢Ami,她给我做了最棒的足部按摩——价格不便宜,但是时不时地挥霍一把也不会对一位女士有任何伤害。健身房很大,干净且有现代化的设备。餐厅的早餐很棒,不便宜但是品质上乘。 对于那些想去赌博的人,考虑到周围没有赌场,步行很短距离,穿过一间漂亮的购物中心,快捷而豪华,里面还有空调。附近就是金沙和葡京。对于那些想去更远的威尼斯人(Venetian)和凼仔岛(Taipa)的人来说,澳门的出租车也更便宜。 这间酒店唯一的缺点就是,让人很难回到现实,再次入住别的酒店。这是一间绝对美妙漂亮的酒店,物超所值。

  • 用户:到到会员

    位置极好,位于美高梅金殿酒店(MGM)以及一号湖畔购物广场(ONE Central)附近一个低调的角落里。 开头不错——接待热情,文华东方派了一位非常友好的工作人员在澳门渡轮总站迎接我们——距离酒店5—10分钟车程。 住客——大部分是情侣夫妻和家庭,不是澳门那种典型的满是一支接一支抽烟的“赌博”客人的酒店。 客房——非常宽敞,布局不错,不过装潢不是很吸引人。 泳池——比较小。更衣区——很喜欢蒸汽房(会喷水!)和热带雨林式淋浴! 健身房——很棒,面积大,很多高科技设施。 餐厅/酒吧——同一层,但不同侧。设计颓废而又优雅(澳门极少见)。绝对推荐傍晚或晚上去酒吧喝一杯,价格十分合理。 食物——自助早餐很棒(美味点心)。餐厅的菜单包括西式、日式和中式美食,不过我对此兴趣不大!每道菜都很美味,但我不习惯坐在光线明亮的高级餐厅里享受国际美食。 Spa——没时间尝试。价目表看起来有点偏贵。 服务——考虑到酒店最近才开的,不得不说服务超好。特别表扬礼宾人员,Francis,多谢为我们安排出行!

  • 用户:乐游慢游


  • 用户:bbigirl


  • 用户:到到会员

    入住前:一切太美妙了。我们发邮件给酒店,他们安排了从渡轮码头到酒店的免费交通工具。员工举着一个大牌子在停船门那里等着我们呢。 我们入住的时候,3间房里的2间都没准备好呢(那时是中午12点,可以理解),但清洁速度加快了。不到1个小时,我们就进房间了。 房间:我们要的是1个文华高级视野房(Mandarin Premier View room)和2个标间(standard room)。所有房间都很棒,宽敞、高档,浴室是一流的。有香薰的洗漱用具和特浓咖啡机。床很舒适,电视很大,音响系统优质。每天都有新鲜水果。 员工:出色。他们很友善热心,满足你的任何要求。从办理入住的员工到门童,再到清洁工都很优秀。 不过,上网不免费,有点贵。极力推荐这家酒店。

  • 用户:到到会员

    A few things annoyed me about this hotel which will mean that I probably won't return. Booked this as part of a package so paid way less for the room and breakfast than the exorbitant rates they quote on their website. So value for money was good from that respect. Check in was good. Rooom was lovely - corner view with view of the Macau tower and all the way round to the Lisboa. We went straight to the bar for a drink and the service there was excellent and the bar is very comfortable. Could have stayed there for the rest of the evening. My husband went for a massage and I tagged along with him as I wanted to use the sauna and steam room in the girls changing rooms as it was raining outside and I didnt fancy the pool much. The spa receptionist basically made a big fuss saying that I could only use the changing room facilities if I had a treatment booked. What a load of rubbish. This has never ever happened to me any where else. She was starting to relent as I was walking towards the lifts but I just told her to forget it. Why take that attitude with me and then say the opposite. The whole hotel was empty and I guarantee I would have been the only peron in the changing room so what difference would it have made to them. I went to the pool instead and sat in the hot whirlpool in the rain which was just fine as I had the whole area to myself and the view is nice. After my husband had finished his massage he fancied a dip in the pool too so dragged me back down with him. It was 5 past 7 and we were told by staff that the pool was shut. Why???? So that was the second annoyance. After that we went out to Antonios restaurant in Taipa old village. Thoroughly recommended. I am taking a friend back there next weekend as it was soooo good. They opened our champagne with a sword!! Sleep quality in the room was excellent. Pillows so comfortable and the linen is top quality. I would like my room to have been turned down but it wasnt which I found disappointing. Because we had been swimming the day before, we obviously needed showers before going out to dinner and there were only 3 bath towels in the room. That meant one of us had to use a damp bath towel the next morning. In a hotel of this class I would expect evening turn down. Breakfast was good in the morning. This is when we realised the hotel was empty. We had a long leisurely breakfast right up until it shut at 10.30 (why so early on a Sunday?!?) and we were virtually the only table. Due to this reason we did get very very good service. The breakfast room is really luxurious and comfortable. Check out was a breeze and a free transfer took us immediately to the ferry terminal which was great. I live in HK and am a frequent visitor to Macau. I LOVE the mandarin brand which is why I wanted to stay here so badly but I cannot say I was overly impressed. Of the 2 Mandarins in Macau (the other being the Grand Lapa) I think I prefer the older one to be honest. Its a better location for the ferry terminal and is right beside the Sands which is my favourite casino. The pool area is far better and they let you use the facilities in the changing rooms EVEN if you do not have a treatment booked. Sure, the rooms there are a bit dated but the bed is comfortable and you are only sleeping there.

  • 用户:到到会员

    With the opening of this new hotel, MO has finally caught up with the competitions in this exciting location, the city of Macau. MO is another hotel in Macau without casino. However, a short walk through a shopping arcade will lead you to the MGM or the Wynn Hotel. Gambling was not on the top of our activity list so we really enjoyed the relax atmosphere at this stylish hotel. We travelled with 2 friends and a baby of 3 so we had arranged pickup at the pier to avoid any hassle. Unfortunately, our friends missed the ferry from Hong Kong and they had to take the next one which was one hour later. When the MO staff learned about the incident upon our arrival, they offered immediately to do the pickup again for them. Check-in was efficiently performed inside our room, which was the Panorama Suite. This suite features a great view of the bay with the bridges and the Macau Tower. It was spacious and comfortable. Internet was not free of charge (BAD!) but one plan was good for 3 devices. Our friends finally arrived a little later. Inside their suite, a baby chair and a baby crib with toys were already set up in the bedroom. Other supplies for the baby, such as baby oil and powder, were also prepared. They told us the next morning, cookies with warm milk were delivered to their room at night and it was a nice touch. We had afternoon tea at the Lobby Lounge and it was nothing special. On the other hand, our dinner at Vida Rica Restaurant was outstanding. Decoration of the place was interesting and they served a mix menu of Chinese, Portuguese and Western cuisine. We ordered dishes from all 3 sections and they were all very good. Furthermore, the price was surprisingly reasonable for a restaurant inside a MO. We had massage at the Spa. Since our treatments were performed inside the Spa Suites with our own changing and shower facilities, we did not get the chance to check out the common changing area. The tea lounge at the reception was small and we wondered if there was another relaxation area. My massage was good but the one my partner had was not. The therapist he had was lack of skill and strength and it was a total waste of his time. The pool was small but nice. The hotel used the latest Technogym equipments at the gym which was very impressive. For a newly opened hotel, MO is definitely doing a very good job. Staff were attentive to our needs and in many occasions, services were offered before we even had to ask. Quite a number of staff we met spoke to us in Putonghua even though we were speaking Cantonese to them. So obviously their targeted clientele are the guests from Mainland China. Anyway, MO Macau is an excellent choice for a leisure stay, especially for people who do not prefer a busy casino right at the lobby.

  • 用户:xuqing2000

    澳门很多人都去过,相信大部分是去赌场烧钱或者去看表演了,而我们竟然是被一家新开的酒店吸引,专程去了一次,那就是澳门新开的文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental, MO) 说起文华东方,可谓是个低调十足的酒店集团,不过呢自从哥哥在香港文华东方香陨,文华东方的名字被很多人了解,而自从北京文华东方被中央电视台新楼配楼的一场大火烧光后,我们只能向文华东方表示同情,这几年实在是太背了 。不过呢,这次澳门的新酒店开张还是让人兴奋,我们也借着酒店买一送一的促销活动去一探她一贯秉持的低调奢华。 新的文华东方位于新建的Plaza One项目内,位置靠近澳门塔,可以左看南海,右看南湾湖。整个Plaza One项目包括一个大型购物中心(凭酒店门卡可以在一些大牌店打折,不错),文华东方酒店,以及几栋豪宅项目,堪称澳门最新的地标。 MO的大堂一贯风格就是如此,前台接待很热情,我们问了一下能不能升级,他们一下子就同意升两级到豪华湖景房间,赞。然后马上有中文流利的前台小姐很热情的送我们上楼到房间里面check-in,这是我住那么多豪华城市酒店里面第一家。不愧是优质服务出名的MO.

  • 用户:到到会员

    我超迷这个酒店,真是超棒的。服务绝对一流,尤其是礼宾部超赞。客房设计特别,酒吧和餐厅都很漂亮。泳池还不错,但没到奢华的程度,完全比不上新加坡(Singapore)同一连锁酒店的标准。泳池旁边还有蒸汽房。早餐超棒,午餐也不错。位置很好。很想再去!美中不足就是休息室很一般,但员工超级友好。 谢谢每位工作人员的关心。


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