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澳门凯旋门酒店 澳门凯旋门酒店 澳门凯旋门酒店 澳门凯旋门酒店
  • 用户:amanfayun

    地理位置特别好,在WYNN后面,MGM左面,是赌场区域最高的楼了 房间设施超好,是新世界集团最好的饭店了, 因为是新饭店卫生很好, 洗发水是NORBILITY牌的,大陆生产的

  • 用户:到到会员

    这是我第二次来这个酒店,位置非常好,旁边就是MGM,Wynn和Star World。 这次我带着家里的五个人来的,所以我们需要预定一个有两个单独房间的套间。这个酒店非常新,并且开了不到六个月,所以所有的东西包括设备和员工都非常干净整洁。也许这个酒店太新了,所以也有问题。 (1)我们发现所有的三台DVD机都并不能用,用了一个小时修。 (2)因为无线网络在主房信号很弱,所以我要了一个LAN连接器连上我的手提,但是LAN不好使!跟工程师交涉了一下,他说需要很多天才能修好。 (3)插座非常危险,我在以前住过的酒店没有见过这样的,墙壁上的电子插座装得不好。如果你的手不小心碰到墙的话,我觉得有可能触电。 两个按摩浴盆都不能用,工程师检查了一个小时还是无法修好。工程师在一天来来了房间五次,他说硬件设备非常好,都是很出名的牌子,但是装的工人从来没有检查过,所以会出问题。所以,我觉得下次不会再在这里住了,除非他们给我很特殊的优惠。

  • 用户:cathy19821201


  • 用户:到到会员

    到这里参加澳门大奖赛(Macau GP),决定尝试一个新的豪华酒店。凯旋门新世界酒店很自豪的称自己为5星级服务的新酒店。 像评论中说的一样,他们提供免费上网(每间房都有 无限上网 + 有线网络),以及免费早餐。早餐在咖啡店,提供中式和西式的菜品。真的不错。 我们预订了豪华房,它真是宽敞。每天提供瓶装水,虽然客房服务需要你要求才会提供,但对于我们这也还行。 2楼有一个Full House自助餐厅,同一楼层还有一个赌场。同样和这里写的一样,他们每份餐收费18澳门元,相当于2.33美元。每套餐里有米饭,面条或粥。 我们非常喜欢这里,除了我们发现有时语言交流很困难。我们只能说流利的英语和普通话 ,甚至用普通话时,有时也会碰到小小的挑战。但前台真的很帮忙,而且几乎所有的前台服务员都能说很好的英语和普通话,其他酒店服务员只能说流利的粤语。 另一个主要的投诉是关于赌场保安员的(穿着蓝色夹克的人)。也许这是一种文化或是安全培训的问题,但他们做的最好的是,无论何时你走进赌场时,他们都盯着你看。是的,我说的是盯着看,而且相当有敌意的。就像是我偷了东西或是做了什么错事。我一点都不喜欢那样被人看。我想也许真的是培训的问题,但当我们拜访永利(Wynn)或米高梅(MGM)时,我们却没有那种感觉。 被盯着看,对于我们真是非常不舒服的事,因为在我们那里认为这非常粗鲁。但,这是澳门(Macau),不是洛杉矶(Los Angeles)。 还有,这里可以步行到大三巴牌坊(St Paul Ruins)、议事厅前地(Senado Square)和渔人码头(Fisherman Wharf)。

  • 用户:到到会员


  • 用户:到到会员

    From the moment we arrived at the doors of the hotel, the doormen were friendly and welcoming. The gentleman at the front desk was quick to check us into our rooms. When only one of the two rooms were ready upon our arrival, he was extremely apologetic and promised that he would personally deliver the second room's keys when ready. Turns out that the second room was ready 15 minutes later, so it was not really a big deal. But his professionalism was served as a great start to the rest of our weekend stay. The room was extremely clean, roomy and elegantly decorated. It definitely seemed as though the owners spared no expense when it came to finishing touches. The beds and linens were plush and comfortable. One of the best nights sleep that I have ever had! We also had dimsum at the restaurant on site and again, my family and I were wowed by the high quality of food and service. I have stayed at many of the hotels in Macau and I can definitely say that L'Arc is my hotel of choice. I will definitely be returning in the near future.

  • 用户:到到会员

    2月份,我在这家酒店住了3天,非常享受在这里的住宿。房间很漂亮,床超级舒服。 浴室很大、很奢华,我无可挑剔。缺点都是些小问题:比如,遥控器的使用问题。他们有遥控器(尤其是品牌酒店都有),但能不能用就是另外一回事了。第二天,我发现水池里的热水不够。我刮胡子很费劲。不幸的是,还没有熨斗和熨衣板(但我们要了就送来了)。 每天早上都在4层吃早餐,很好吃。总的来说,我真的很享受这次住宿。员工非常优秀。

  • 用户:到到会员

    摘要: —房费每晚1130元港币,包括早餐(2009年10月29日的平日是不包括早餐的)。 —标准入住时间是下午3点,如果房间准备好了的话,是可以提前入住的。我们在早上11点就办理了入住登记。 —我们的房间在17楼(1719)可以俯瞰港口的美景。除了米高梅饭店遮挡了右边的景色外,酒店的视野基本上是宽阔的。尽管也没有什么可看的,但仍然让人感到愉快。 —从价格来看,考虑到澳门/香港酒店的标准,房间是很宽敞的。 —房间里有42寸液晶电视和一台DVD播放器。有60多个当地和有线电视频道和广播频道,其中大部分是英文台。 —窗帘通过墙上的仪表盘可以自动打开(靠近床头柜)。单独的浴室窗帘它的仪表盘在靠近水池的地方。 —非常宽敞的浴室,有多个淋浴头和一个浴缸。 —免费无线网络和宽带连接服务。 —工作人员说着流利的广东话和普通话,听得懂英语。 —2楼有个很便宜的餐厅,供应中式食品,比如面条,米饭,每碗收费18澳门币。它是24小时营业的,很受欢迎,人也很多;高峰期时还需要排队等候。 问题: —枕头是太大,太软 —没有足够的肥皂来洗泡泡浴。 —无线网络信号很弱。我们无法用手机上网。不知道有线的宽带网络是不是也一样糟糕…… —淋浴的水不够热(只是温热)。热水只在浴缸和水池才有。 —昂贵的按摩/水疗服务。街上就有更便宜的按摩院,24小时营业。45分钟足底按摩需要98元。同一家公司,我们去香港进行足底按摩时,要便宜百分之30。 我向前台反映的问题,而且确实是问题: —当电梯按了下楼键时,按键突然熄了 —电视遥控的音量键完全不起作用。

  • 用户:猪儿小乖乖

    交通极其便利,到酒店到哪里都比较方便,房间特别宽敞,床也很软 很舒适大堂服务也好,唯一的缺点就是价格比较贵,性价比不高

  • 用户:到到会员

    Even though this hotel is much smaller than some others, like the Venetian, it is stunning and the rooms are nicer. We stayed in an executive deluxe room for two nights. The room was the nicest we have stayed in. Even though the room looks similar to the ordinary rooms I think it may be larger. Everything looked new and the layout is excellant. The location is very good being in Macau Island and right next to the Wynn. The casino is nothing special and better casinos can be found close by. The views are not the greatest but were still good. Our room provided us with a few extra benefits like the club lounge access. The staff in the lounge are generally invisible but are ready to help if you have a question. There is virtually no table service, it is help yourself and the staff rarely come along to clear your plates or glasses and usually only do this when you leave. The food provided is of excellant quality and was enjoyable. We had breakfast in their cafe and it ranks quite highly with a good choice available and also good quality. It was great to be able to order freshly cooked omeletes, noodles and even waffles. The staff here were very attentive. Another benefit from our room type was having a free minibar but this is where the hotel really let us down. I called on the second day in the morning to advise our fridge was not working and nothing was done, I called again later that day and still nothing was done. I advised the lady in the club lounge the next day when we checked out and she thought this was not good and would email me about it after looking into it but she still has not got back to me. It is not difficult to replace a small fridge and it meant that we could not drink our free cans of drink as they were warm as was our water. For a five star hotel this is a pretty sad state of affairs as having cool drinks on hand is important. If they can't manage to fix these problems then I am thankful that this was our only major problem. This is an expensive hotel to stay in and it is really quite bad that our fridge didn't work. The pool was a let down.


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