The Island of the Dolls, Xochimilco, Mexico City, Mexico


Maximum creepiness is discovered on the Isla de las Munecas, a place of shadows and secrets, of cobwebs and insects, and of severed limbs and decapitated heads. The limbs and the heads are not real, of course, belonging rather to hundreds and hundreds of dolls, but that makes the experience no less haunting or the place, hidden among the Xochimilco canals, south of Mexico City, no less terrifying.

Said to be dedicated to the soul of a drowned child, discovered in the water here more 50 years ago, the island has become an unlikely tourist destination. That Julian Santana Barrera, who began the custom of hanging doll parts from the trees, himself later drowned here has done little to deter sightseers. Indeed, if anything it has made them even keener. The locals here claim the Isla de las Munecas is charmed rather than haunted. It’s an assertion that does little to stand up to scrutiny.


据说,50年前,一个小女孩在当地的运河淹死了,她的灵魂一直不能得到安息,就用这些玩偶来驱赶她的灵魂,因此这个岛也变成一个最怪异的旅游目的地。住在附近的朱利安·圣巴雷拉经常在梦中见到小女孩的鬼魂,为此他痛苦不堪,因此想到一个对策,开始在树上悬挂娃娃,好像能使小女孩的鬼魂敬而远之,尽管如此,他也并没有得到“善终”,整整50年后,他自己也淹死在同一条运河,就在小女孩淹死的地方, 发生了如此诡异的地方也未能阻止游客前往的脚步,反而使游客前来的渴望愈演愈烈,当地人表示,拉拉斯穆尼卡斯岛的吸引力并不是因为闹鬼,不过,这一断言并不经得起考验…..